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Andrew (Andy) Pickard


I'm Andy, a passionate professional gameplay and tools developer who loves to design and develop game-focused applications and is always striving to improve and learn.

I primarily use C# in the Unity game engine both professionally and for personal projects, with the occasional foray into C++ on the side.

You can get in touch with me at andypick1993@gmail.com


I have experience working with the following:
Languages C#
C# is the language I'm most confident with, I use it daily for both work and personally.
C++ is definately a work-in-progress for me.
I used CSS regularly in my web-dev role and have become quite proficient.
I'm confident with HTML, I can do most things I want without hastle.
Java was the first language I learned, but I haven't used it for a few years now so I'm getting rusty.
I used JavaScript for a while professionally and occasionally personally.
Perl was the main backend language I used while working as a web-dev, I can get by but it's not my favorite.
I used some PHP as a web-dev, but most of my experience comes from creating Rest APIs for personal use.
I have used Python (and some R) in data science, networking (firewalls and routing) and the occassional personal project.
Similarly to PHP, I have used SQL as a web-dev, personal use in Rest APIs (MySQL with phpMyAdmin) and additionally in data science to handle large samples.
Versioning Git, GitHub, GitLab
Unity Packages FishNet, Netcode, Odin, ML Agents, Cinemachine, Input System, Splines, PlayFab, SteamworksAPI (.NET), Localisation, Addressables
Project Management Agile, Asana, Lucid, Mila, Miro, Obsidian


I have a BSc in Psychology from the University of York, after which I worked as a Graphics Designer for a number of years. During covid I took the opportunity to go get a MSc in Software Development from Queens' University Belfast. Following graduation, I started work as a Full-Stack Web Developer while working on my game development skills in my own time.
After a year or so I got my first role as a Unity Developer where I have worked ever since and had the pleasure to work on some of the following projects!


Crimson Crisis

Crimson Crisis Splash Crimson Crisis (on Steam) is a 2D bullet-hell roguelite, featuring many varied guns and passive improvements you can earn, all of which can have up to 3 attachments each, from a vast pool of modifications which from increasing your movement speed to on-hit applying a stacking poison that explodes in a puddle of caustic goo, spreading the poison to all enemies within.
It also has local co-op and infinite procedurally generated levels.

What I worked on:

Everything, except the creation of art assets, visual and sound effects including:
  • Procedural level generation + related tools & documentation
  • UI & Scene Management
  • Enemy spawning (pooling) & behaviour
  • Weapons system
  • Status effect system
  • Steamworks integration
  • Setup assets in engine (+ any needed editing)
  • Optimisation
Crimson Crisis Co-Op Crimson Crisis living quaters level Crimson Crisis UI Crimson Crisis caves level

Arcade Racer

Arcade Racer is the placeholder name for the unpublished 3D arcade-style racing game that the team and I that worked on Crimson Crisis moved to after the end of Crimson Crisis' development cycle.
It features:
  • ML Agent trained AI to race against players (with DigitalOcean VMs to train the agents)
  • Physics based car controller
  • Customisable cars
  • Online multiplayer (dedicated servers) with Lobbies, In-game messaging & Matchmaking
  • Track editor tool (using splines and mesh generation) for building racetracks & scenery
Crimson Crisis Co-Op Crimson Crisis living quaters level